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2022/23 KSP Policy Consultation Report Saudi Arabia :Reinforcement of IP creation capacity for foster startups based on IP strategy in Saudi Arabia

2022/23 KSP Policy Consultation Report Saudi Arabia :Reinforcement of IP creation capacity for foster startups based on IP strategy in Saudi Arabia
Corporate Author 
KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) Development Cooperation Office
Issue Date 
Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Korea, KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)
Series/Report No. 
KOTRA자료; 24-035
Table Of Contents 
Chapter 1. Project Overview
1. Introduction
2. Overview of the study
1) Background
2) Purpose of the study
3. Project Implementation
1) Project Implementation method

Chapter 2. Improvement for Examination System to Support the Creation of Intellectual Property among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (prioritized Examination and Batch Examination System)
1. Introduction
2. Prioritized Examination
1) Overview
2) Subject for Prioritized Examination
3) Conditions for Prioritized Examination Application
4) Others
3. Batch Examination System
1) Overview
2) The Subject of Batch Examination
3) The Batch Examination Procedure
4. Conclusion (Policy Recommendations)
1) Recommendations on Prioritized Examination System
2) Suggestions for Batch Examination

Chapter 3. Fee Reduction for the Promotion of Intellectual Property Activities among Small and Medium-Enterprises in Saudi Arabia
1. Introduction
2. Overseas Cases regarding Fee Reduction System for SMEs
1) Fee Reduction System for SMEs in the Republic of Korea
2) Fee Reduction System for SMEs in the United States
3) Fee Reduction System for SMEs in the European Union
4) Fee Reduction System for SMEs in Japan
3. Fee Schedule and Demand for Fee Reduction in Saudi Arabia
1) Industrial Property Activities in Saudi Arabia
2) Fee Schedule in Saudi Arabia
3) Criteria for the Classification of SMEs in Saudi Arabia
4) SMEs’ Needs for Fee Reduction in Saudi Arabia
4. Conclusion (Policy Recommendations)
1) Regularization of Fact-finding Surveys on Intellectual Property Activities
2) Regularization of Predicting the Volume of Applications and Fee Revenues
3) Introduction of an Installment Payment System for Trademark Maintenance Fees
4) Reduction of Fees for Small Enterprises, etc.
5) Support for International Applications of SMEs

Chapter 4. Establishment of the Intellectual Property-based R&D Strategy and Preparation of the Manual
1. Introduction
1) Background
2. Establishment of the IP-R&D Strategy
1) IP-based R&D Manual
2) Example of Establishing IP-R&D
3) Success Cases in Establishing IP-based R&D Strategies (in Korea)
3. Conclusion (Policy Recommendations)
K II/B-1451/II-fa KS 22/23, 177 p. ;
개발협력 - 사우디아라비아
경제협력 - 한국/사우디아라비아
경제개발경험 공유사업 - Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP)
Appears in Collections
01. KOTRA자료 > 2024


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