


Detailed Information

2024 Environmental Policy in Korea (디지털자료)

2024 Environmental Policy in Korea (디지털자료)
Corporate Author 
KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) 종합상담실
Issue Date 
KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)
Series/Report No. 
KOTRA자료; 24-012
PDF 발간자료
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Table Of Contents 
I. Companies Discharging Environmental Pollutants and GhG
Air Environment
Water Environment
Living Environment
Persistent Pollutants, Soil, Waste
Integrated Permission
Korean GhG Emissions Trading System

II. Companies Manufacturing (Importing) or Handling Chemical Substances
1. Registration and report of chemical substances
1-2. Management of Imported/exported wastes
2. Confirmation and approval of household chemical products subject to safety confirmation
3. Approval of biocidal substances and biocidal products
4. License and approval for handling hazardous chemicals and matters to be observed
4-2. Points to note when labeling or advertising the environmental impact of products such as the safety labeling of biocide-treated products

III. Companies intending to conduct an environmental business
1. Permit of waste treatment business
2. Permit of wastewater treatment business
3. Registration of environmentally specialized construction business
4. Registration of environmental impact assessment business
5. Registration of environmental consulting company
6. Registration of measurement agency business
7. Registration of measuring device management agency business
8. Registration of water quality measuring device management agency business
9. Registration of water supply network management agency business
10. Registration of integrated permit agency business

IV. Government Support in the Environmental Field
1. Environmental policy funds: Loans for future environmental businesses
2. Environmental policy funds: Eco-friendly facility investment (loans)
3. Smart eco-factory construction program
4. Support programs for carbon neutrality facility installment in business entities eligible for GHG permit allocation
5. Support for GHG reduction facilities used by GHG and energy target management entities
6. ESG consulting support program
7. Related Website
K V/B-111/X-k EN(E) 24, PDF자료 (160 p.) ;
환경정책 - 한국
환경규제 - 한국
Appears in Collections
01. KOTRA자료 > 2024


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