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Consultation for the Advancement of a Photovoltaic Equipment Testing and Certification System for Vietnam : 2022 K-V Economic Cooperation Work Program

Consultation for the Advancement of a Photovoltaic Equipment Testing and Certification System for Vietnam : 2022 K-V Economic Cooperation Work Program
Corporate Author 
KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사) 개발협력실
Issue Date 
기획재정부, KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사)
Series/Report No. 
KOTRA자료; 23-032
Table Of Contents 
CHAPTER 1. Introduction
Section 1. Background and objectives
1. Background and objectives
2. Progress to date
Section 2. Implications of the study and anticipated benefits
1. Highlights and implications
2. Anticipated benefits

CHAPTER 2. Main text
Section1. The testing and certification system for PV equipment in Korea
1. Current status of solar PV industry and certification in Korea
2. The testing and certification system for PV equipment in Korea and legal rationale
3. Current status of certification and testing institutions for PV equipment in Korea
4. PV equipment-related standards in Korea
Section 2. Product safety and the testing and certification system for PV equipment in Vietnam
1. Industries related to PV equipment in Vietnam
2. The legal system of Vietnam
3. Key governmental organizations related to product safety in Vietnam
4. Development process for general safety standards in Vietnam
5. The product safety system in Vietnam
6. The mandatory certification system in Vietnam
7. The voluntary certification system in Vietnam
8. Current testing and certification systems for PV equipment in Vietnam
9. Current testing and certification systems in Vietnam
10. Current standards on PV equipment in Vietnam

Section 3. Policy recommendations
1. Establishment and reinforcement of a legal system related to the certification of PV equipment
2. Establishment of a specialized institution for the testing and certification of PV equipment
3. Establishment of a specialized test laboratory for PV equipment

CHAPTER 3. Conclusion
1. Testing and certification systems for PV equipment
2. Test laboratories for PV modules
3. Recommendations on future cooperation between Korea and Vietnam

K II/B-121/II-fa KS(E) 22, 251 p. ;
개발원조 - 베트남
경제협력 - 한국/베트남
인증제도 - 태양광 - 베트남
경제개발경험 공유사업 - Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP)
Appears in Collections
01. KOTRA자료 > 2023


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