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2021/22 KSP Policy Consultation Report Ecuador II (디지털자료) :Efficient Production Technology, Methods and Innovative Machinery for Recycled Products Based on Expanded Polystyrene and Polypropylene

2021/22 KSP Policy Consultation Report Ecuador II (디지털자료) :Efficient Production Technology, Methods and Innovative Machinery for Recycled Products Based on Expanded Polystyrene and Polypropylene
Corporate Author 
KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사) 개발협력실
Issue Date 
Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Korea, KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사)
Series/Report No. 
KOTRA자료; 22-225
PDF 발간자료
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Table Of Contents 

Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Project Background and Objectives
1.1 Project Background
1.2 Project Objectives

Chapter 2 Global Plastic Waste Management Trends and Country Cases
1. Global Plastic Waste Management Trends
2. Germany
2.1 Plastic Industry
2.2 Law and Policy
2.3 Recycling Technology
3. Japan
3.1 Plastic Industry
3.2 Law and Policy
3.3 Recycling Technology
4. China
4.1 Plastic Industry
4.2 Law and Policy
4.3 Recycling Technology
4.4 Recycling Process

Chapter 3 Status of Plastic Waste Management in Ecuador
1. Plastic Waste Management in Ecuador
1.1 Municipal Waste Management
1.2 Municipals GADs’ Urban Waste Management
1.3 Value Chain
1.4 General Municipal Management Information
1.5 Governance of Waste Management
2. Analysis of the Plastic Industry in Ecuador
2.1 Plastic Waste Management in Ecuador
2.2 Export and Import Status
2.3 PP and EPS Analysis of Imports and Exports
2.4 Polypropylene (PP) and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
2.5 Best Practicing Examples
3. Recycling Technology
3.1 Latin America
3.2 Ecuador
3.3 Plastic Companies’ Technologies in Ecuador
3.4 Limitations of Plastic Recycling in Ecuador

Chapter 4 Korean Case Study
1. Policy and Law
1.1 History and Process of the Development of Waste Policies and Laws in Korea
1.2 Current System of Waste-Related Laws
2. Processing and Recycling
2.1 Waste Disposal Process
2.2 Recycling System for Recyclable Waste
2.3 Business Waste Recycling System
3. Korean Experience with Machinery and Recycling Models that Optimize the Process of Obtaining Raw Materials
3.1 EPS Recycling Process
3.2 PP Recycling Process

Chapter 5 To-Be Model for Transitioning to a Circular Economy
1. Proposal EPS-PP Resource Circulation Model
1.1 What Is Needed In Ecuador To Establish the EPS and PP Resource Circulation Model
1.2 Proposal EPS-PP Resource Circulation Model
2. Roadmap for Establishing a Resource Circulation Model for Ecuadorian EPS and PP
2.1 Overall Roadmap
2.2 Activity and Strategy
2.3 Suggestions for realizing the roadmap

Chapter 6 Linked Project Proposal
1. Project to Introduce the Waste Law
2. Project to Establish Waste Statistics
3. Project of the EPR System Introduction for Packaging Materials
4. Project of Optimization and Area-Wide Waste Disposal Process
5. Project for Introducing a Recycling Station
6. Project of Education for Separate Discharge
7. Project of Regulation of Packaging Material and Structure
8. Project of Standard of Obligatory PCM Use and Development of Quality Standard
9. Project of Installation of Recycling Facility
K II/B-421/II-fa KSB(E) 21/22, PDF자료 (240 p.) ;
개발원조 - 에콰도르
재활용산업 - 에콰도르
폐기물산업 - 에콰도르
경제개발경험 공유사업 - Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP)
Appears in Collections
01. KOTRA자료 > 2022


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