


Detailed Information

2021 K-V Economic Cooperation Work Program Viet Nam Origin Certification System Establishment Consulting Project.

2021 K-V Economic Cooperation Work Program Viet Nam Origin Certification System Establishment Consulting Project.
Corporate Author 
KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사) 개발협력실
Issue Date 
기획재정부, KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사)
Series/Report No. 
KOTRA자료; 22-081
Table Of Contents 
Chapter 1. Introduction
Section 1. Research Background and Purpose
1. Research Background
2. Research Purpose
Section 2. Research Scope and Expected Outcome
1. Research Scope
2. Research Methodology
3. Expected Outcome

Chapter 2. FTA Environment Analysis in Korea and Viet Nam
Section 1. FTA Related Laws and Regulations
1. Comparative Analysis of FTA related Laws and Regulations
2. Implications of Comparative Analysis
Section 2. Origin Determination Process Analysis
1. FTA Origin Determination Process
2. FTA Certificate of Origin Issuance Procedure
3. Differences of Determination and Issuance between Korea and Viet Nam
4. Implications of Comparative Analysis
Section 3. IT Utilization Analysis
1. Comparative Analysis of IT Utilization
2. Implications of Comparative Analysis

Chapter 3. Requirements of Origin Management System
Section 1. Identification of Requirements through Survey
1. Overview of Survey
2. Survey Analysis
3. Survey Implications
Section 2. Derivation of System Requirements
1. System Development Requirements

Chapter 4. System Model Design and Verification
Section 1. Origin Management System Model Design
1. Overview of System Configuration
2. System Menu Design
3. User Task Design
Section 2. Model Verification
1. Origin Management System Model Verification Overview
2. Origin Management System Model Verification Results
3. Implications of Origin Management System Model Verification

Chapter 5. Conclusion
Section 1. Suggestions for Promotion of Origin Management System
1. Correlation between FTA Utilization and Origin Management System
2. Distribution Method of Origin Management System
3. Suggestions for System Distribution
Section 2. Research Summary
1. Research Summary and Limitations
2. Suggestions for Origin Management System in Viet Nam


Appendix 1. Viet Nam's Different Declaration of Origin Formats by Product Specific Rules of Origin ·
Appendix 2. Authority-issued C/O Procedure in Korea (Korea Customs Office)
Appendix 3. Survey Questionnaire for FTA Utilization Environment and Origin Management Status (KR)
Appendix 4. Survey Questionnaire for FTA Utilization Environment and Origin Management Stats (VN)
K II/B-121/II-fa KS(E) 21, 135 p. ;
개발원조 - 베트남
경제협력 - 한국/베트남
원산지규정 - 베트남
경제개발경험 공유사업 - Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP)
Appears in Collections
01. KOTRA자료 > 2022


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