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2018 Labor Law Guide for Foreign Investors

2018 Labor Law Guide for Foreign Investors
Corporate Author 
KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사) 종합행정지원센터 투자종합상담실
Issue Date 
KOTRA (대한무역투자진흥공사) 종합행정지원센터
Series/Report No. 
KOTRA자료; 18-043
Appendix: 1. Schedule for the introduction of the 52-hour maximum working week - 2. Foreign Investor Support Office
Table Of Contents 
Chapter 1. Employment contract
1. Signing a contract of employment
2. Effective period of the employment contract
3. Probationary period
4. Hiring fixed-term workers
5. Using dispatched workers

Chapter 2. Wage
1. Ordinary wage and average wage
2. Minimum wage

Chapter 3. Working hours
1. Statutory working hours
2. Recess
3. Overtime work
4. Night work
5. Premium pay
6. Flexible working hours system (Flextime)
7. Discretionary working hours system

Chapter 4. Holidays and leave
1. Contractual holidays
2. Substitute holiday system
3. Weekly holidays with pay
4. Annual leave with pay
5. Promotion for use of annual leave
6. Menstruation leave
7. Maternity leave
8. Childcare leave

Chapter 5. Social insurances contribution for 2019

Chapter 6. Retirement benefit systems
1. Retirement benefit
2. Retirement pay
3. Retirement pension

Chapter 7. Dismissal
1. The need for justifiable reasons
2. Procedures for dismissals
3. Advance notice of dismissal
4. Dismissal for economic reasons

Chapter 8. The Rules of employment

Chapter 9. Prohibition of discrimination

Chapter 10. Sexual harassment at work
1. Definition of sexual harassment at work
2. Education for prevention of sexual harassment at work
3. Discipline against sexual harassment at work

Chapter 11. Labor-management council
1. Establishment of the labor-management council
2. Agenda of the labor-management council

Chapter 12. Mandatory physical examination for employees

Appendix 1. Schedule for the introduction of the 52-hour maximum working week 36
Appendix 2. Foreign Investor Support Office
K I/R-VII/111-III-j IAA(E) 18, 40 p. ;
노동법 - 한국
노동관계법 - 한국
Appears in Collections
01. KOTRA자료 > 2018


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