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(大韓貿易振興公社 社長) 主要 演說文集 1989. 9 - 1990. 5

(大韓貿易振興公社 社長) 主要 演說文集 1989. 9 - 1990. 5
Corporate Author 
Issue Date 
大韓貿易振興公社 (KOTRA)
Series/Report No. 
貿公資料; 90-79
Table Of Contents 
1. Welcoming Address on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd Session of Asian Trade Forum
2. Congratulatory remarks on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the Yugoslav Trade Promotion Office in Seoul
3. Speech at a dinner Hosted by H.E. Shamshad Ahmad, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
4. Speech at a Dinner in Honor of H.E. Dalli, Minister of Industry, Malta
5. Closing Statement on the Occasion of the 1st Joint Meeting of KOTRA and AUSTRADE
6. Keynote Speech on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the 3rd Session of Asian Trade Forum : New Measures to Promote International Trade
7. Welcoming Speech on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the European Products Show
8. Remarks for Opening of the Seminar on the Hungarian Economy
9. Opening Statement on the Occasion of the Joint Meeting of KOTRA and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce
10. Luncheon Address on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the U.S. Products Show
11. Reception Speech on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the Canadian Products Show
12. Welcoming Address at the Canadian Investment Seminar
13. Remarks on the Occasion of the Signing of the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation between KOTRA and the Chamber of Foreign Trade of the German Democratic Republic
14. Reception Speech on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of Korea Trade Office, Brno
15. Congratulatory Remarks on the Occasion of the Joint Economic Seminar of KOTRA and The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce
16. Reception Speech on the Occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the Korea Industrial Week in Budapest
17. Remarks at a Luncheon Hosted by Mr. Arouff, Chairman of the Mauritius Export Development and Investment Authority
18. Keynote Speech at the 23rd International General Meeting of the Pacific Basin Economic Council : The Uruguay Round and the Republic of Korea

Ⅱ. 國文演說文
1. 就任辭
2. 1989年 新年辭
3. 유고 經濟·貿易動向 說明會 祝辭
4. 싱가포르 駐在商社, 僑胞貿易人과의 懇談會 인사말
5. 蘇聯 聯邦商工會議所 駐韓代表事務所 開設紀念 리셉션 祝辭
6. 公社創立 第27周年 紀念辭
7. 모스크바貿易館 開設紀念 리셉션 演說
8. 韓國產業綜合展(MIKO '89) 開幕式 인사말
9. EC統合 合同세미나 開會辭
10. 中小企業 輸出支援 戰略세미나 인사말
11. 인도네시아 投資環境 說明會 인사말
12. 世界一流化 追加選定業體 指定書 授與式 祝辭
13. 第5次 KOTRA-CETRA 定期協議會 인사말
14. 韓國物產展 開幕式 인사말
15. 1990年 新年辭
16. 뉴욕 韓人經濟人協會 主催 리셉션 歡迎辭
17. KOTRA 市場開拓會員社 新年辭
18. 第20次 KOTRA-JETRO 定期協議會 인사말
19. 臺灣物產展 開催 祝賀 晚餐辭
20. 英國 投資세미나 인사말
K I/B-111/I-k JY , 128 p. ;
연설문 - 大韓貿易振興公社 (KOTRA) - 한국
Appears in Collections
08. 과거 발간자료 > 무공자료 > 1990


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