


Detailed Information

1979年度 國別 休日曆

1979年度 國別 休日曆
Corporate Author 
Issue Date 
大韓貿易振興公社 (KOTRA)
Table Of Contents 
Ⅰ. 1979年度 日別·地域別 休日曆

Ⅱ. 1979年度 國別 休日一覽表
1. 아르헨티나(The Argentine Republic)
2. 濠洲(The Commomwealth of Australia)
3. 오스트리아(The Republic of Austria)
4. 바레인(The State of Bahrain)
5. 방글라데시(The People's Republic of Bangladesh)
6. 벨지움(The Kingdom of Belgium)
7. 볼리비아(The Republic of Bolivia)
8. 브라질(The Fedrative Republic of Brazil)
9. 버마(The Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma)
10. 카메룬(République Unie du Cameroun)
11. 캐나다(Canada)
12. 中央아프리카(L'Empire Centrafricaine)
13. 칠레(The Republic of Chile)
14. 中華民國(The Republic of China)
15. 콜롬비아(The Republic of Colombia)
16. 코스타리카(The Republic of Costa Rica)
17. 아이보리코스트(République de Cóte D'Ivoire)
18. 덴마크(The Kingdom of Denmark)
19. 에콰도르(The Republic of Ecuador)
20. 이집트(The Arab Republic of Egypt)
22. 핀란드(The Republic of Finland)
23. 프랑스(The French Republic)
24. 가봉(République Gabonaise)
25. 獨逸(The Federal Republic of Germany)
26. 가나(The Republic of Ghana)
27. 과테말라(The Republic of Guatemala)
28. 어퍼볼타(République de Haute Volta)
29. 그리스(The Hellenic Republic)
30. 홍콩(Hong Kong)
31. 印度(The Republic of India)
32. 인도네시아(The Republic of Indonesia)
33. 이란(Iran)
34. 이태리(The Italian Republic)
35. 자마이카(Jamaica)
36. 日本(Japan)
37. 요르단(The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
38. 케냐(The Republic of Kenya)
39. 쿠웨이트(The State of Kuwait)
40. 레바논(The Republic of Lebanon)
41. 라이베리아(The Republic of Liberia)
42. 리비아(The Libyan Arab Republic)
43. 말레이시아(Malaysia)
44. 멕시코(The United Mexican States)
45. 모로코(The Kindom of Morocco)
46. 네팔(The Kindom of Nepal)
47. 和蘭(The Kindom of the Netherlands)
48. 뉴질랜드(New Zealand)
49. 나이제리아(Federal Republic of Nigeria)
50. 노르웨이(The Kindom of Norway)
51. 오만(The Sultanate of Oman)
52. 파키스탄(The Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
53. 파나마(The Republic of Panama)
54. 파라과이(The Republic of Paraguay)
55. 페루(The Republic of Peru)
56. 필리핀(The Republic of the Philippines)
57. 포르투갈(The Portuguese Republic)
58. 푸에르토리코(Puerto Rico)
59. 카타르(The State of Qatar)
60. 사우디아라비아(The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
61. 세네갈(République du Sénégal)
62. 시에라레온(The Republic of Sierra Leone)
63. 싱가포르(The Republic of Singapore)
64. 스페인(The Spanish Republic)
65. 스리랑카(The Republic of Sri Lanka)
66. 수단(The Democratic Republic of Sudan)
67. 수리남(The Republic of Surinam)
68. 스웨덴(The Kingdom of Sweden)
69. 스위스(The Swiss Confederation)
70. 泰國(The Kingdom of Thailand)
71. 튜니시아(République Tunisienne)
72. 터키(The Republic of Turkey)
73. 우간다(The Republic of Uganda)
74. 아랍土侯國(United Arab Emirate)
75. 英國(The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland)
76. 美國(The United States of America)
77. 우루과이(The Oriental Republic of Uruguay)
78. 로마敎皇廳(The State of the Vatican City)
79. 베네수엘라(The Republic of Venezuela)
80. 자이르(Republique du Zaire)

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K I/B-00/I GB , 152 p. ;
Appears in Collections
07. 기타 > 1979


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